

Flexible and multiprocess robotic cell applied to the metalworking sector (IN852A)

Development of new manufacturing technologies and methodologies in a new concept of flexible manufacturing cell especially focused on small manufacturing batches of variable dimensions.

The use of such devices allows obtaining high degrees of production efficiency, maintaining high quality standards and the ability to quickly carry out the modifications required through the production process, to adapt to new market needs.

This project seeks to increase the productivity and quality of manufacturing processes with a total budget of € 743,142.33.


Main technical goals:

  • Development of flexible positioning systems adapted to small manufacturing batches.
  • Development of programming systems with a high level of abstraction.
  • Development of technologies and multi-process tools applied to the metal-mechanic sector.


Strategic goals:

  • Introduction of robotics in poorly technical areas such as the metalworking sector, medium / heavy boiler …
  • Upgrade the manufacturing capabilities of companies
  • Improved competitiveness and costs reduction.
  • Introduction of the concept of flexible robotics in small manufacturing batches